Our people

The AUT Human Potential Centre has collaborated with a wide range of experts on many of its research projects.
- Professor Kuni Jenkins
- Ms Margaret Johnston
- Professor Jim Mann
- Claire McLachlan
- Dr Rachael Taylor
- Associate Professor Sheila Williams
- Dr Hannah Badland
- Nic Mason
- Associate Professor Karen Witten
- Nicholas Garrett
- Associate Professor Felicity Goodyear–Smith
- Dr Lannes Johnson
- Dr Louise Schofield
- Dr Rachael Taylor
- Suzanne Mavoa
- Associate Professor Karen Witten
Current students
- David Amisola
Topic: Evaluating health professionals and recovered patients’ views on antipsychotic medication, lifestyle, and other treatments
Supervisors: Grant Schofield - Alicia Clegg
Topic: An outcomes evaluation of group health coaching using low carb advice to manage type 2 diabetes in a high need primary care setting.
Supervisors: Caryn Zinn, Grant Schofield - Amanda Holyer
Topic: The protective effects of hyperbaric oxygen on ionizing radiation injury - A systematic literature review and meta-analysis
Supervisor: Tom Stewart - Louise McGrath
Topic: An evaluation of the level of human intervention present in the diets of 18-35 year old male NZ rugby Union players in Northland NZ using digital journalling, the NOVA food classification system and HISS app.
Supervisors: Grant Schofield, Caryn Zinn - Shayne Taupo
Topic: Effect of supervised exercise on state anxiety
Supervisors: Nigel Harris, Lance Dalleck - Te Awhitu Wilson
Topic: Understanding Māori perspectives of active lifestyles: a multi-generational study
Supervisor: Lisa Mackay
- Abdelaziz Adjali
Topic: An exploration of the role of osteocalcin in metabolic health
Supervisors: Caryn Zinn, Catherine Crofts - Mehdi Barati
Topic: How do urban regeneration and its route-level environmental measures influence children's physical activity patterns, wellbeing, and health outcomes?
Supervisors: Scott Duncan - Peter Carter
Topic: Community Governance: A technology-based citizen engagement planning model in the Auckland context
Supervisors: Erica Hinckson, Ljubica Mamula-Seadon, Moushumi Chaudhury - Lana Chisholm
Topic: Examining the wellbeing of rangatahi impacted by new urban regeneration projects in Tamaki Makaurau/Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand
Supervisors: Scott Duncan, erica Hinckson, Charlotte Jelleyman - Elias Cohen
Topic: Applied mobilities and the creation of healthy participatory futures concerning urban regeneration on community wellbeing in Aotearoa-New Zealand
Supervisors: Scott Duncan, Jennifer Nikolai - Siona Fernandes
Topic: When culture speaks: Exploring Indian migrant PA and sedentary behaviour in Australia (and New Zealand)
Supervisors: Erica Hinckson, Lesley Ferkins - Mark Jones
Topic: Craftmaking as a curriculum
Supervisors: Mike Brown, Mark Orams - Julianne Joy McNeill
Topic: An exploration into the dietary management of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Supervisors: Caryn Zinn, Gael Mearns, Rebecca Grainger - Anantha Narayanan
Topic: Application of data science methodologies to explore, predict and model wellbeing outcomes using the New Zealand Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI).
Supervisors: Tom Stewart, Scott Duncan, Gail Pacheco - Sylvia North
Topic: Hyperinsulinaemia in pregnancy and dietary Implications for gestational diabetes
Supervisors: Caryn Zinn, Catherine Crofts - Geoff Passfield
Topic: Minimum effort, maximum return. Using sleep to improve lives
Supervisors: Grant Schofield, Catherine Crofts - Nikki Penetito-Hemara
Tuia te matauranga, kia hono ai te kori - Bind the knowledge to connect movement
Supervisors: Isaac Warbrick, Nigel Harris - Erin Porteous
Topic: The impact of increasing connection to, and meaningful use of, outdoor green spaces in improving emotional wellbeing and growth mindset in young women/wahine
Supervisors: Mike Brown, Charlotte Jelleyman, Grant Schofield - Ben Reynolds
Topic: The social and environmental determinants of ambulance demand in New Zealand
Supervisors: Tom Stewart, Bridget Dicker, Joey McGrath - Erin Smith
Topic: The effects of high-intensity functional training on blood lipids, endothelial function, insulin resistance, and exercise enjoyment in adults with metabolic syndrome: a dose response study of differing frequencies per week
Supervisors: Nigel Harris, Lance Dalleck, Gary Van Guilder - Wendy Pirie
Topic: Investigate the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a potentially scalable and sustainable teacher led physical activity programme in early childhood and early primary school years in New Zealand
Supervisors: Nigel Harris, Scott Duncan, Anderw Gibbons - Waruna Weerasekera
Topic: Explore the efficacy and acceptability of real-time continuous glucose monitoring (RT-CGM) systems for improving the health of people with hyperglycaemia within New Zealand
Supervisors: Caryn Zinn, Catherine Crofts
- Wendy Reynolds (2023)
Topic: Yoga as a Self-Management Tool: The flow-on effect of Yoga to Physical Health, Psychological Wellbeing, and Positive Health Behaviours
Supervisors: Elizabeth Du Preez, Nigel Harris - Yasmine Elmahdy (2022)
Topic: Towards more sustainable marine mammal tourism: An assessment of New Zealand's marine mammal tourism management regime
Supervisors: Mark Orams, Michael Lueck - Leila Hedayatrad (2022)
Topic: Disentangling the combined effects of 24-hour time use behaviours on childhood physical and mental wellbeing: a compositional data analysis
Supervisors: Scott Duncan, Tom Stewart - Tamara Bozovic (2021)
Topic: Quality of the walking environment and difficulties to access local destinations
Supervisors: Erica Hinckson, Melody Smith, Tom Stewart - Gazal Bharara (2020)
Topic: Positive Mental Health of Adolescents: Facilitators and Inhibitors
Supervisors: Aaron Jarden, Scott Duncan, Erica Hinckson - Geeta Sharma (2020)
Topic: Benefits and feasibility of an integrated dance programme in the New Zealand primary school curriculum
Supervisors: Scott Duncan, Jennifer Nikolai, Tom Stewart
- Fern Pereira (2023)
Topic: Auditing the healthiness and eco-friendliness of year 6 students' lunchboxes in socio-economically diverse Auckland schools
Supervisors: Grant Schofield, Tom Stewart - Christine Wardle (2023)
Topic: Adolescent Brain Health and Diet
Supervisors: Grant Schofield - Tanya Cleland (2022)
Topic: Exploring the oral health attitudes and practices of adolescent mothers: A case study
Supervisors: Patricia Lucas, Carolyn Cairncross - Olivia Malamatenios (2022)
Topic: Feasibility of using digital photography with a food processing classification system to improve quantification of food quality
Supervisor: Grant Schofield
Study and work with us
Get involved in the world-class research at the AUT Human Potential Centre, either as a student or a member of a research team.